Wednesday 16 December 2015

What is Mycorrhiza?

Quite a few gardeners know about Mycorrihza, but to many, it is all a bit mysterious. However, it is a natural fungi that is worth knowing about.
Mycorrihza is a soil bourne fungus that forms a symbiotic relationship with the roots of plants, to the benefit of both. it does occur naturally, but can also be increased at planting time with products like our Roots Boost Mycorrihza.
So what are these benefits that plants derive from an application of Mycorrihza?  Many plant types will benefit from the following if Mycorrihza is used at planting;
  • Increased root growth
  • Increased plant survival rates
  • Improved water use efficiency
  • Great nutrient uptake
  • Better plant vigour
  • Increased ability to withstand disease
Some plants form especially strong Mycorrihzal associations, such as roses, which have even been able to survive in areas that historically have suffered from rose re-plant disease. Mycorrihza works best in challenging conditions for plants, so if you are planting in a nutrient poor soil, it will help the plant take up more nutrients and the same with water and drought conditions. If soils have heavy metals or high salinity in them, Mycorrihza will also help them survive in these adverse conditions.
More and more landscapers are using Mycorrihza when planting trees on road sides or new build developments, where the soil may be weak. Traditionally then may expect heavy plant losses in these areas, but with Mycorrihza this is significantly reduced.
If you are planting a new hedge this Autumn, now is the time the use Mycorrihza to help it establish.
Dragonfli Roots Boost Mycorrihza also contains bio stimulants and microbes to further improve plant health, so to get the best chance of plant survival, make sure you apply Roots Boost Mycorrihza at planting. 
Here's to great plant health in your garden!   


Tuesday 15 December 2015

My first blog - biological control for gardens

  My first blog, so I better start with a good one! Which is why I will start with advances in biological control of pests, seeing as I have dedicated a large part of my career to it.
When I started working in the biological control industry, over 25 years ago, we had about four beneficial insects that we could recommend to professional growers to try, and only two or three crops where growers would use them. There was virtually no use of them or very little knowledge of them in gardening and hobby sectors. Wow, how things have progressed! Dozens of different natural enemies and beneficial insects are being used by growers on a whole range of crops in the 21st century, not only on food crops, but ornamental crops too. It is not only professional growers that benefit from these industrious bio control critters, but now also, the average gardener. Most gardeners are aware of nematodes for the control of may soil borne pests and even if they have not tried them yet, they will most likely give them a try over the next few years. So why are growers and gardeners turning away from traditional insecticides?
There is no one single answer but rather a combination of factors, which I could write chapters on, but as I need to keep your attention, here is a quick summary ;
1. Supermarkets don't like chemical residues on the food they sell, forcing growers to look for alternatives.
2. The cost of bringing new chemical insecticides to the market is enormous and highly regulated, reducing the development of new agrochemical products, especially in small markets like gardening, so that gardeners have to look to others ways to control pests.
3. Consumers are more environmentally aware and are receptive to alternatives to traditional chemical insectides.
4. Bio control works! If you are a pest insect, you cannot become resistant to being attacked or eaten by another insect!
5. Some fantastically innovative companies like Koppert Biological Systems, have taken biological control global and on a massively lower level. companies like my own, Dragonfli Ltd, have given gardeners access to some of this green technology.
One of the many exciting features of biological control is its continual evolvement and for me, the most exciting of late is the jump from controlling plant pests to controlling livestock pests.
I could not have imagined 25 years ago that we would now be looking at pest control for livestock, but it is now starting. At Dragonfli Ltd we can now supply predatory mites for control of Red Mite on chickens and snake mite for snakes and reptiles. How amazing is that?! Whatever next......
I will tell you more about them in another blog, but for now keep learning and watching out for more developments in biological control - the chemical-free future of pest control.

A predatory mite attacking a Red Mite                        A close-up of a nematode